FAQs About CBD
Want to know more about CBD? Check out some frequently asked questions!
What is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is just one of many different molecules known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD has many beneficial properties and is commonly used to promote overall wellness.
What are cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are active compounds produced by all cannabis plants. They account for most of the benefits of cannabis. Cannabinoids found in plants are technically called phytocannabinoids, while cannabinoids produced by the human body are called endocannabinoids. Cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which promotes homeostasis.
How does CBD work?
CBD’s effects are a result of its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. CBD impacts the ECS indirectly, most often through activation of outside receptors and interaction with enzymes.
What is hemp seed oil?
Hemp seed oil is distinct from CBD oil. While CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant’s flowers, hemp seed oil is produced by pressing the plant’s seeds. Hemp seed oil is similar to other seed oils such as corn oil and sesame oil. Hemp seed oil has its own benefits, but it does not contain cannabinoids such as CBD.
What is the difference between CBD and hemp?
Hemp is a variety of cannabis that is grown for food and fibres. CBD is a molecular compound found in the plant’s extracts. Adam's Organix CBD is of the purest concentration, non-toxic, and has zero THC. Derived from aerial parts of hemp plants grown and farmed in Colorado, utilizing strict organic farming practices, our isolate products are 99%+ pure CBD. Completely non-synthetic, 100% all-natural, and non-GMO. Our CBD isolate products are lab tested via a third-party laboratory, ensuring purity and quality.
What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
Hemp and marijuana are both types of cannabis. Marijuana contains a cannabinoid known as THC, which causes a high and is known as a drug. Hemp contains negligible amounts of THC and is unlikely to cause a high. Adam's Organix products undergo a patented process that removes traces of THC from the final product.